Animal Rights Groups Are Not Happy That 'Repticon' is Still Happening this Weekend

The World Animal Protection group is trying to put a stop to Repticon this weekend for the safety of its attendees. So far, that hasn't carried much weight. 

Repticon is a massive wild animal market that travels to different cities all over America to buy, sell, and showcase wild reptiles. 

Recently, World Animal Protection, which is a global animal welfare organization, asked the Cabarrus Arena and Events Center in Concord, NC to cancel the dangerous event that is scheduled to happen tomorrow and Sunday.

Ben Williamson, the director of World Animal Protection's U.S. branch stated: “It’s inconceivable that when many states are still seeing increases in the number of COVID-19 cases, Repticon in North Carolina would consider playing host to a live wild animal market,” regarding Repticon. 

“Reptiles are known vectors of zoonotic diseases and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention holds them responsible for salmonellosis outbreaks every year which hospitalize people. It’s entirely plausible that the next pandemic could start at a live wild animal market such as Repticon." was Ben Williamson's closing statement regarding the matter.

“No amount of hand sanitizer or social distancing is going to make reptile expos safe for humans and animals. It’s time to cut its ties with this risky business once and for all.”

However, according to Kenny Robinson, who is the general manager of the Cabarrus Arena and Events Center stated that his venue staff will be taking extreme precautions to prepare for the event. 

Regardless, this is a 249 person venue and having that many people in an enclosed space, masked or not, is extraordinarily dangerous. 

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Post originally appeared on Endeared.