You Won't Believe These Astounding Nature Photos Are Real

Floating Boat

Yet again, this optical illusion may make it appear as though a boat is floating in midair, but that isn't the case. This picture was not photoshopped. Rather, the water is so clear that we can see the shadow of this fishing boat on the bottom of the gulf.

Imperial Snowflake

This snowflake was not inspired by the Imperial Starfleet. Instead, this shape was created due to the molecular shape of H2O, which forms repeating fractals when water freezes. Freezing causes two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom to form a solid lattice structure.


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The More You Know

  • The hashtag symbol is technically called an octothorpe.
  • In 1923, jockey Frank Hayes won a race at Belmont Park in New York despite being dead — he suffered a heart attack mid-race but his body stayed in the saddle until his horse crossed the line for a 20–1 outsider victory.
  • T-shirts were originally made for unmarried men who didn't know how to sew buttons on collared shirts.
  • The wolf's jaw can exert 1500 pounds of pressure per square inch, twice the jaw pressure of a German Shepherd. Wolves can crush large bones in just a few bites.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.