UFO's filmed in Houston, Texas

With modern technology, it's easy to capture anything. Everyone always has a camera in their pocket, so when something bizarre happens, it's easily caught on video. In recent years, there's been an uptick with UFO sightings. UFO doesn't exactly mean "alien spaceships" but "unidentified flying objects." Whether it's a government conspiracy or aliens, people have been recording and posting their footage of UFOs online. 

In Houston, Texas, a resident filmed a bizarre UFO sequence that left people questioning what was going on...

The lights are in a certain form which indicates that they are being controlled by something... They're not simply just weather balloons. They also move in a very specific way altogether. Some said that it could be a bunch of drones, but the objects were completely silent. They must have been thousands of miles up in the air.

The man who recorded the video said that he was out walking his dogs when his neighbor stopped him to point out the lights. They were completely baffled.

The local government hasn't put out any announcements saying that they were responsible for the lights. It wasn't the military, either. If they were just a bunch of planes, the lights would be blinking and glowing. Instead, they're just stagnant lights...

Many other towns have had experiences like this. It makes you wonder what's really going on...

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Post originally appeared on Inside Mystery.