Tragic Diagnosis Leads Millionaire to Uncover Dark Family Secret

Something Wasn't Right

In the divorce settlement, Kate received a lump sum of over $5 million, on top of continuous child support that Mason had been forking over under the assumption that he was the father of the boys. Now, Richard was connecting the dots, and things didn’t add up…

Caught in a Slip-Up

When Richard and Kate were married, they went to an Indian restaurant together. Although it was Richard’s first time at the restaurant, the owner insisted that Kate had been there many times before. Of course, she denied it, and Richard had every reason to believe her.


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The More You Know

  • Nintendo was founded in 1889. Before it sold video games, the Japanese company specialized in playing cards.
  • There are castles for sale in France that cost less than a two-bedroom apartment in Australia.
  • In 1567, the man said to have the longest beard in the world died after he tripped over his beard running away from a fire.
  • A U.S. park ranger named Roy C. Sullivan held the record for being struck by lightning the most times, having been struck — and surviving — seven times between 1942 and 1977.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.