This Ship Washed Ashore After 10 Years Lost at Sea

A Slew of Dead Bodies

The wooden ship hit the shores of Japan in 2017. Onboard were the remains of eight people. Some had been reduced to skeletons. Later that same year, a similar discovery was made in the Aran Islands near Ireland...

A Remarkable Vessel

The coastguard got a call to check out a strange, spaceship-looking-vessel that had crashed onto the shore of one of the Aran Islands. Eventually, the whole village went down to the shore to see what was going on. The find turned out to be a very mysterious ship...


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The More You Know

  • 18th century doctors believed that bloodletting was necessary to “balance” one’s health.
  • People used hollowed human skulls as bowls and cups back in ancient England.
  • Muscovite palaces and courts had professional foot-ticklers.
  • It takes the death of 27,000 trees daily to make toilet paper for humans
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.