This Memorial Day Was the MLB's First Holiday Without Games in 140 Years

As far as professional American sports leagues, the MLB is one of the country's oldest. However, for the first time in 140 years, the MLB will did host any baseball games on Memorial Day. The start of the 2020 season is still up in the air thanks to COVID-19. It's predicted that games will pick up in early July, but that's just a ballpark estimate.

Memorial Day baseball survived through WWI, the Spanich Flu, the Great Depression, and even WWII. A week before the Battle of Midway, MLB played a 16-game slate on Decoration Day 1942. A week before the Battle of Normandy, MLB held Decoration Day games in 1944. Baseball, for as long as the U.S. can remember, has persisted through nearly every hard time.

The coronavirus has put a stop to pretty much all sports worldwide, though the stall on Memorial Day may be fitting, considering it's a day to remember those who have died. Monday baseball is an American tradition that many miss, but the focus on the bigger picture and our country's health is much more important.

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