These Newly-Colorized Historical Photos Reveal Shocking Things

Exotic Dancer Under Arrest

This exotic dancer was arrested in the early 1980s, so to thank the judge for her sentence, she flashed him. The photo actually ended up being picked up by Playboy and was captured by the Tampa Bay Times staff photographer Jim Damaske. 

The Kiss

This is one of the most famous post-war photos ever taken. The sailor kissing a civilian girl to celebrate V-J Day is one of the most-seen moments from the early 20th century. In color, it looks even more celebratory.


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The More You Know

  • Abraham Lincoln Was Also a Licensed Bartender
  • George Washington owned a whiskey distillery.
  • Lord Byron was an animal lover. He had a pet bear in his dormitory when he was pursuing his studies at Cambridge.
  • A writer predicted how the Titanic would sink in 1898, 13 years before it was even built.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.