These Are The Most Overrated Singers in the Industry

Dave Matthews

Dave Matthews is a guy that most music fans love to make fun of. He's got some great hits, is savvy on the guitar, and can sell out stadiums, but there's something about liking his music that makes you a total joke. A lot of non-fans have an issue with his musical style — the spoken lyrics and shouted choruses and unique intonation just aren't for everyone. 

Lou Reed

Lou Reed's music isn't for everyone. His style leans more toward spoken word than actual music, and his songs have been described as dry and boring by listeners unless they're die-hard fans. Even though he had widespread success, his music isn't going to brighten up the party. 


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The More You Know

  • Only Metallica has played in all of the seven continents.
  • Dave Grohl was so intimidated by Kurt Cobain that he hid a lot of the music he made while on tour with Nirvana. After Cobain's death, the tucked away music would become Foo Fighters' first album.
  • The Beatles were introduced to LSD by a dentist who secretly slipped it into their coffee.
  • David Bowie's eyes weren't actually two different colours.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.