These Are The Most Overrated Singers in the Industry


Aside from the songs off What's the Story, Morning Glory?, what other Oasis songs do you know? "Don't Look Back in Anger," "Champagne Supernova," and of course the meme-able "Wonderwall" are fan favorites, but they get overshadowed by the constant feuding between brothers Noel and Liam. 

Motley Crüe

Motley Crüe's reputation is built solely on their hard partying days and eccentric appearances. The epitome of hair metal, despite their outrageous backstory, it's difficult to remember the names of any of their songs. Recently, they had a Netflix documentary made about them called Dirt.


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The More You Know

  • Lynyrd Skynyrd is named after a high school teacher, Leonard Skinner, who suspended students for having long hair.
  • Got a song stuck in your head? That’s called an “earworm.”
  • Each member of Nirvana was kicked out of the Nevermind release party for starting a food fight.
  • According to the Guinness Book World Records, Queen has the longest- running fan club of all time.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.