The Worst Movie Endings of All Time, Ranked

The Sea of Trees

This Cannes film did poorly when it came to theaters, due in part to the ending. This harrowing look at grief and friendship ends with the main character learning something about his new friend. Turns out, the man that he had met was actually his dead wife's spirit. Weird...

War of the Worlds 

The crime of unrealism is the reason fans didn't love the ending of this Speilberg film. Despite the entire city of Boston crumbling around them, every member of the Ferrier family escapes without injury. Viewers didn't believe that aliens wouldn't get at least one of these heroes!


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The More You Know

  • In classic Hitchcock movie North by Northwest, Cary Grant was actually older than his on-screen mother, Jessie Royce Landis.
  • In the movie Dredd, they slowed down a Justin Bieber song by 800 times to create the "slow motion" noise.
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger practiced with guns every day for a month to prepare for The Terminator.
  • Michael Fassbender had makeup artists put alcohol on his mustache for a role.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.