The Worst Movie Endings of All Time, Ranked


If you turn this movie on, prepare to be lost in the insane plot and the unsettling-looking mutant. There is a lot to complain about with this gene-splicing film, but the ending is maybe the worst. The leading lady accidentally gets pregnant by the mutant she made herself. Yikes!


With Nicolas Cage on the cast list, you know this could be a great or terrible movie with no in-between. This is one of the bad ones. Cage plays a magician who can see only 2 minutes into the future. Somehow, with his girlfriend staying with him, he's able to prevent nuclear explosions? Sure. 


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The More You Know

  • O.J. Simpson was considered for the lead in "The Terminator".
  • Some of the velociraptor noises in "Jurassic Park" are actually tortoises mating.
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger practiced with guns every day for a month to prepare for The Terminator.
  • In the entire Lord of the Rings film trilogy, no two female characters ever speak to each other.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.