The Worst Movie Endings of All Time, Ranked

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Jake Gyllenhaal stars in this thrilling science fiction flick. Using new tech, he's able to live in the body of another person for a little while. This is a cool premise, but the ending is too confusing for many people to understand. Adding in alternate realities is a surefire way to lose the audience...

The Abyss

Any movie from the 1980s is subject to a little criticism, and this one is included. While it was generally a pretty decent film, the ending seemed a little too manufactured for fans of sci-fi. Aliens save the underwater station, life returns to normal, and everything is wrapped up with a little bow. 


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The More You Know

  • For 'Deadpool' (2016) Ryan Reynolds paid $10,000 of his own money for the right to wear a shirt with The Golden Girl’s Bea Arthur on it.
  • Tom Hanks helped pay for ‘Forrest Gump’
  • Some Wookie suits were made from human hair.
  • Ronald Reagan was originally announced as the lead for Casablanca. The proclamation turned out to simply be a ruse to keep the actor’s name in the press.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.