The Unexpected Rules and Customs of the Amish Community

Free Passes for Teens

Amish teens are "allowed" to get into some mischief and experiment with outside Amish life. That's why you may see some younger Amish with cell phones and social media accounts. They're usually just experimenting, which is allowed inside of the community. In a way, this can help an Amish teenager "get it out of their system" and stay committed to the community when they're older. 

No Shaving

The classic depiction of an Amish man is a long, scraggly beard. This is because most Amish men do have a long, scraggly beard! Having a long beard is common in the community and men rarely cut or shave their beards. You won't see an Amish man with a mustache, though, because that is strictly avoided!


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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.