The Truth About Bonnie and Clyde that Historians Kept Quiet

Methvin Delivers His Friends

On May 23, 1934, Methvin organized with police to deliver his coworkers to his parent's house. They shot Barrow's car as it drove into the driveway. The officers at the scene said "After shooting the shotguns, we emptied the pistols at the car, which had passed us and ran into a ditch about 50 yards on down the road. It almost turned over. We kept shooting at the car even after it stopped. We weren't taking any chances..."

Hit and Done

Both Bonnie and Clyde were shot between 25-50 times each, several of which were to the head. In their car, the officers couldn't believe what they found. Inside,  stolen automatic rifles, sawed-off semi-automatic shotguns, various handguns, and hundreds of rounds of ammunition. They also found over 15 license plates from an assortment of states and cities...


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The More You Know

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  • Ninety percent of the world’s population lives above the equator.
  • The chance of a coin landing heads-up is not 50-50
  • When a piece of bread is toasted, it's called the "Maillard reaction."
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.