The Most Popular Urban Legends From All 50 States

The Gateway to Hell – Stull, KS

Folks in Kansas seem to believe that they have their very own gateway to the underworld. Every Halloween, the underground staircase in Stull, Kansas allegedly opens up to the gates of hell. 

Zombie Road – Wildwood, MO

Zombie Road wasn't given that name because Zombies roam it, but because many people seem to die along the trail. A common manner of death is drowning in a nearby river. There are some suicides as well. It's unclear why death is drawn to this place, but locals have said that the energy is palpable. 


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The More You Know

  • Walt Jr. never encountered Jessie in all 62 episodes of Breaking Bad.
  • Maine is the only state that has a one-syllable name.
  • Sixty percent of the World’s lakes (three million total) are located in Canada.
  • Penguins spend approximately 75% of their life in the water.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.