The Most Popular Urban Legends From All 50 States

Skinned Tom – Walland, TN

Skinned Tom's legend began when a man was allegedly murdered by a woman's husband after they were caught having an affair. According to the story, the husband skinned the man alive. Now, he walks around in agony without any of his skin. 

Radioactive Hornets – Nebraska

This one is a bit of a wild one. There are rumors in small Nebraskan towns that radioactive hornets are living underneath the soil. The myth stems from the Fukushima nuclear disaster, and that the hornets were birthed through the radioactive explosion.


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The More You Know

  • Muhammad is the most popular name in the world.
  • It costs the U.S. Mint almost twice as much to mint each penny and nickel as the coins are actually worth. Taxpayers lost over $100 million in 2013 just through the coins being made.
  • The Eiffel Tower was inaugurated the same year Nintendo was founded.
  • Scorpions are incredibly resilient: scientists have frozen scorpions overnight, left them in the sun the following day, and when thawed, the arthropod walked away unscathed.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.