The Creepiest Artifacts in Museums Around the World

Two-Headed Kitten Skeleton

This is a real skeleton of a two-headed kitten. According to the tag, it was stillborn to a cat named Sooty in 2006. Even though the poor thing didn't make it, its body lives on in science!

The Cabinet Dedicated to Dead People

Weirdly enough, the Viktor Wynd Museum has a cabinet that's "dedicated" to dead people. It's unclear as to why, since a lot of the objects in here are just dolls and fake skulls, but it sure is creepy...


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The More You Know

  • If the sun exploded right now, you wouldn't know about it for another eight minutes.
  • A person will shed around 40 pounds of skin in a single lifetime.
  • Two Scottish doctors originally invented the chainsaw for childbirth.
  • King Charles II drank alcohol mixed with pulverized human skulls.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.