Strange Noise Coming From Walls Turns Out to Be Man's Greatest Fear

Daughter Dearest

As she went to inspect the body of the intruder, Renee realized she had made a grave mistake. This wasn't an intruder at all, this was her own daughter Hanna! She was writhing in pain, both physically and mentally after being shot by her own mother. Renee ran to the bathroom to collect towels and bandages to stop the intense amounts of bleeding...

Calling Police

As Renee tended to the wounds through her tears, Hanna's boyfriend came running through the door. He had heard the gunshot go off and knew something was wrong. He was shocked to see Hanna on the floor covered in blood. He quickly called the police and tried to help Renee with stopping the blood. She had really messed up ...


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The More You Know

  • Warren Buffett has only sent one email in his life. It was sent to Jeff Raikes of Microsoft, and Buffett said it became his first and last email when it ended up in court.
  • Sharks "smell in stereo."
  • 12 plants and 5 animals make up 75% of diets around the world.
  • Parts of the Great Wall of China were made with sticky rice.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.