DNA Test Reveals Stomach-Churning Secret About Woman's Boyfriend

He believed that it was simply a thoughtful gift, but the 23andMe testing kit Dan purchased for his girlfriend would soon reveal a horrifying secret about their relationship that no one could have anticipated...

Happy Birthday

Matilda and her boyfriend Dan had been dating for a few months when he decided to buy her a unique gift for her birthday. Rather than going with flowers or jewelry, Dan chose to present his girlfriend with a DNA testing kit. They had no idea how this would impact their lives...

It Changed Everything

Matilda did not know very much about her family history, so Dan's gift was a pleasant surprise to the 22-year-old. However, when she received the results a month later, the young couple would have to reevaluate everything about their relationship...


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The More You Know

  • The youngest parents in the world were aged 8 and 9.
  • Nutella was invented during WWII, when an Italian pastry maker mixed hazelnuts into chocolate to extend his chocolate ration.
  • If you heat up a magnet, it will lose its magnetism.
  • Glitter is so unique it can be used as forensic evidence if matching glitter is found at the crime scene and on the suspect since glitter often goes unnoticed by the suspect.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.