Are These Urban Myths Real or Fake?

Is the left brain really different than the right brain? What happens if you drop a penny from the top of the Empire State Building? See if you know the answers to these questions and more...

A decapitated chicken once survived for eighteen months while entirely headless.


True! Bird is the word. Miracle Mike was a Wyandotte chicken that lived for 18 months after its head was sliced off, due to the anatomical structure of some chicken skulls.


You chose:

True! Bird is the word. Miracle Mike was a Wyandotte chicken that lived for 18 months after its head was sliced off, due to the anatomical structure of some chicken skulls.

15% of all daily Google searches have never been searched before.


True! It's hard to believe there's anything out there that has never been searched before, but 15% of all daily Google searches are brand new material.


You chose:

True! It's hard to believe there's anything out there that has never been searched before, but 15% of all daily Google searches are brand new material.

You only use 10% of your brain on a daily basis.


FalseModern PET and MRI scans have proven that humans activate way more than 10% of their brain every day.


You chose:

FalseModern PET and MRI scans have proven that humans activate way more than 10% of their brain every day.

The name "Jessica" was first coined by Shakespeare.


True! William Shakespeare invented the name Jessica. It was first recorded in The Merchant of Venice, where Jessica is the name of Shylock's daughter.


You chose:

True! William Shakespeare invented the name Jessica. It was first recorded in The Merchant of Venice, where Jessica is the name of Shylock's daughter.

The average person spends a total of five years waiting in queues over the course of their lifetime.


False! And thankfully so—zero evidence supports this claim. It is estimated that people with extensive work commutes may spend one or two years waiting in line, but only if you count all those hours stuck in rush-hour traffic.


You chose:

False! And thankfully so—zero evidence supports this claim. It is estimated that people with extensive work commutes may spend one or two years waiting in line, but only if you count all those hours stuck in rush-hour traffic.

Roughly half of all the wealth in the world is controlled by a mere one percent of the population.


True! The top one percent owns more than 50% of the world's wealth.


You chose:

True! The top one percent owns more than 50% of the world's wealth.

Humans share 95% of their DNA with bananas.


False! While humans share over 95% of their DNA with some primates, only 60% is genetically shared with bananas.


You chose:

False! While humans share over 95% of their DNA with some primates, only 60% is genetically shared with bananas.

All red wines taste better with age.


False! Most wines can be consumed immediately and do not improve with age. Only about 1% of high-quality red wine will get better over time.


You chose:

False! Most wines can be consumed immediately and do not improve with age. Only about 1% of high-quality red wine will get better over time.

If you folded a piece of paper 45 times, it would be long enough to reach the moon.


True! Standard office paper is 0.1 millimeters thick. If you fold that paper 42 times, it would create 4,398,046,511,104 layers of paper. This would extend roughly 405,000 kilometers to reach the moon at the farthest point in its elliptical orbit.


You chose:

True! Standard office paper is 0.1 millimeters thick. If you fold that paper 42 times, it would create 4,398,046,511,104 layers of paper. This would extend roughly 405,000 kilometers to reach the moon at the farthest point in its elliptical orbit.

It takes 7 years to digest chewing gum.


False! Even though our stomachs break down gum differently than other food, it is still moved out of your system during the digestion process.


You chose:

False! Even though our stomachs break down gum differently than other food, it is still moved out of your system during the digestion process.

There are more trees on planet Earth than stars in the Milky Way galaxy.


True! There are over three trillion trees on Earth, but only between 100 and 400 million stars in the Milky Way.


You chose:

True! There are over three trillion trees on Earth, but only between 100 and 400 million stars in the Milky Way.

1 in every 200 men is descended from Genghis Khan.


True! An international team of geneticists discovered that the great Mongol leader shares a male Y chromosome with 16 million men in central Asia.


You chose:

True! An international team of geneticists discovered that the great Mongol leader shares a male Y chromosome with 16 million men in central Asia.

Bats are blind.


False! Bats can use echolocation to hunt in the dark, but studies have shown that these creatures occasionally prefer to catch their prey using eyesight.


You chose:

False! Bats can use echolocation to hunt in the dark, but studies have shown that these creatures occasionally prefer to catch their prey using eyesight.

Goldfish have a memory span of three months.


True! Although the common myth is that goldfish only have a memory span of three days, it's actually three months.


You chose:

True! Although the common myth is that goldfish only have a memory span of three days, it's actually three months.

There are more libraries in the United States than McDonald's restaurants.


True! There are currently an estimated 116,867 libraries in the U.S. when compared to 13,793 McDonald's restaurants. A win for the bookworms!


You chose:

True! There are currently an estimated 116,867 libraries in the U.S. when compared to 13,793 McDonald's restaurants. A win for the bookworms!

Napoleon was of average height.


True! At 5'6", Napoleon was slightly about the average height for a Frenchman at the time.


You chose:

True! At 5'6", Napoleon was slightly about the average height for a Frenchman at the time.

If you eat before you swimming, you will get cramps.


False! Eating before a dip in the pool won't cause cramps, but a full stomach might make you feel short of breath. Alcohol, however, does increase the likelihood of developing cramps while swimming.


You chose:

False! Eating before a dip in the pool won't cause cramps, but a full stomach might make you feel short of breath. Alcohol, however, does increase the likelihood of developing cramps while swimming.

Salted water boils more quickly than unsalted water.


False! Salting water doesn't make it boil faster—in fact, it can actually increase the time it takes to reach a boil.


You chose:

False! Salting water doesn't make it boil faster—in fact, it can actually increase the time it takes to reach a boil.

Adding oil to pasta water helps prevent the noodles from sticking together.


False! Oil only makes your pasta greasy. The way to stop pasta from sticking together is by stirring it.


You chose:

False! Oil only makes your pasta greasy. The way to stop pasta from sticking together is by stirring it.

If you were hit by a penny dropped from the Empire State Building, it could kill you.


False! The terminal velocity of a penny is between 30 and 50 miles per hour. It wouldn't kill you, but it sure might sting a little.


You chose:

False! The terminal velocity of a penny is between 30 and 50 miles per hour. It wouldn't kill you, but it sure might sting a little.

MSG can cause migraines.


False! There is no scientific link between MSG and headaches.


You chose:

False! There is no scientific link between MSG and headaches.

Dogs sweat through their feet, not by salivating.


True! Dogs regulate temperature by panting, but they actually sweat through their footpads.


You chose:

True! Dogs regulate temperature by panting, but they actually sweat through their footpads.

Most people do not wash their hands after using a public restroom.


True! Only five percent of people wash their hands for a full 20 seconds—as recommended by the CDC—after using a public restroom. One-third of individuals don't use soap, and one in ten forego handwashing entirely. Gross!


You chose:

True! Only five percent of people wash their hands for a full 20 seconds—as recommended by the CDC—after using a public restroom. One-third of individuals don't use soap, and one in ten forego handwashing entirely. Gross!

Einstein failed math class in school.


False! Einstein failed an entrance exam for one particular school, but he excelled in math class.


You chose:

False! Einstein failed an entrance exam for one particular school, but he excelled in math class.

Humans and dinosaurs never coexisted.


True! Humans and dinosaurs missed one another by roughly 64 million years... but 41% of adults in the U.S. believe otherwise.


You chose:

True! Humans and dinosaurs missed one another by roughly 64 million years... but 41% of adults in the U.S. believe otherwise.

Alcohol doesn't kill brain cells, it only damages them.


True! Even in heavy users and alcoholics, alcohol only damages brain cells—it doesn't destroy them.


You chose:

True! Even in heavy users and alcoholics, alcohol only damages brain cells—it doesn't destroy them.

A missing person report requires a 24-hour waiting period before it can be filed.


False! Missing person reports are accepted at any point after an individual cannot be located.


You chose:

False! Missing person reports are accepted at any point after an individual cannot be located.

There is no real division between the left brain and the right brain.


True! There is no real separation between either region of the brain. The left brain is capable of learning "right-brain skills" and vice versa.


You chose:

True! There is no real separation between either region of the brain. The left brain is capable of learning "right-brain skills" and vice versa.

Different parts of your tongue taste different sensations, i.e. bitter, sour, salty, sweet, etc.


False! Different regions of your tongue do not detect specific tastes and flavors.


You chose:

False! Different regions of your tongue do not detect specific tastes and flavors.

For adults, most body heat is lost through your head.


False! Only infants lose most of their body heat through their head.


You chose:

False! Only infants lose most of their body heat through their head.

You are more likely to be legally executed than killed by a lightning strike.


True! According to the National Safety Council, the odds of being legally executed are 1 in 119,000—but the odds of getting struck by lightning are 1 in 161,000.


You chose:

True! According to the National Safety Council, the odds of being legally executed are 1 in 119,000—but the odds of getting struck by lightning are 1 in 161,000.

Real ninjas always wore black.


False! The all-black ninja "uniform" is simply a product of folklore. Real ninjas wore anything that helped them blend into a crowd.


You chose:

False! The all-black ninja "uniform" is simply a product of folklore. Real ninjas wore anything that helped them blend into a crowd.

Your fingernails grow at different rates on each hand.


True! The blood flow in your dominant hand stimulates faster nail growth.


You chose:

True! The blood flow in your dominant hand stimulates faster nail growth.

Everyone swallows at least 8 spiders per year while they are asleep.


False! Spiders are only attracted to prey, which means they probably aren't crawling into your bed at night. In all likelihood, you swallow zero spiders per year.


You chose:

False! Spiders are only attracted to prey, which means they probably aren't crawling into your bed at night. In all likelihood, you swallow zero spiders per year.

In the Bible, it says that Adam and Eve ate an apple from the tree of knowledge.


False! Adam and Eve allegedly ate a "forbidden fruit" from the tree of knowledge—nowhere in Genesis does it claim that fruit happened to be an apple.


You chose:

False! Adam and Eve allegedly ate a "forbidden fruit" from the tree of knowledge—nowhere in Genesis does it claim that fruit happened to be an apple.

If you pick up a baby bird, its mother will reject it due to a change in smell.


False! Birds don't rely on scent to recognize their young. If you've ever picked up a baby bird, don't worry—you didn't unwittingly cause its abandonment.


You chose:

False! Birds don't rely on scent to recognize their young. If you've ever picked up a baby bird, don't worry—you didn't unwittingly cause its abandonment.

The Great Wall of China is visible from space.


False! No single human structure is visible from orbit, but you can see cities lit up at night.


You chose:

False! No single human structure is visible from orbit, but you can see cities lit up at night.

Toads can cause warts.


False! The bumps on toads' backs are actually just their skin glands. Only humans can give warts to other humans.


You chose:

False! The bumps on toads' backs are actually just their skin glands. Only humans can give warts to other humans.

Your hair and nails stop growing after you die.


False! However, your skin tissue does recede, which may make them appear longer.


You chose:

False! However, your skin tissue does recede, which may make them appear longer.

It is dangerous to wake up sleepwalkers.


False! If you wake a sleepwalker, chances are that they'll just be confused. In fact, sleepwalkers are more likely to injure themselves if they aren't awoken.


You chose:

False! If you wake a sleepwalker, chances are that they'll just be confused. In fact, sleepwalkers are more likely to injure themselves if they aren't awoken.

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The More You Know

  • The population of the United States increases by one person every 12 seconds.
  • The first roller coaster was invented to stop sinful behavior.
  • Shakespeare is easier to understand, makes more sense, and is punnier when it's recited in its original pronunciation instead of a modern English accent.
  • Pittsburgh is the only city where all three major sports teams share the same colors.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.