Restaurant Critic Exposes One Husband's Terrible Secret

She'd Researched Infertility

Julia had assumed Mark's distant behavior was her fault. The fact that they might not be able to have children devasted her, and maybe it had driven him to an affair. Mark didn't want her to blame herself...

She Knew She Couldn't Stay

Mark insisted his behavior wasn't her fault, but he wanted to work on things. She knew in her heart that she couldn't do that, becuase if he'd make this mistake once, it could happen again. She told him how heartbroken she was...


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The More You Know

  • Dueling is legal in Paraguay, as long as both parties have been registered as blood donors.
  • The world's most toxic mineral is cinnabar.
  • The moon has its own time zones.
  • The first pair of Nike running shoes was made in a waffle iron.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.