Prepare to Scream: The Scariest Movies of All Time


This is a little darker than that Maniac starring Emma Stone. No, this one is about a lone wolf who is weirdly obsessed with all things mannequin, made worse only by his habit of repeatedly talking to himself. He finally finds the girl of his dreams, but can he control himself to make his dreams come true?

Carnival of Souls

An abandoned carnival pavilion gets an unexpected guest when a car crash survivor wanders onto the lot. She hangs around long enough to get the gist, but the images of the location haunt her for a while. The scariest of all is the pale-faced man she meets in the film. Very eerie stuff...


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The More You Know

  • Locked-In Syndrome is a scary condition where you are conscious while in a coma.
  • Your cellphone has 10 times more bacteria on it than the average public restroom
  • The Mutter Museum displays various mutations, tumors, and anomalies of human anatomy.
  • Your house pet will probably want to eat your dead body.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.