Gravity Falls
In the 2012 show, Gravity Falls, twin siblings Dipper and Mabel Pines are sent to live with their great-uncle, Grunkle Stan, over the summer. They work in his tourist Mystery Shack in Gravity Falls, Oregon. The thing is, Gravity Falls has some secrets in its deep forests. With the help of their quirky coworkers, the kids discover some of the hidden truths of this mysterious town and risk it all in the process...
Teen Titans
Teen Titans first aired in 2003. Robin, formerly Batman's sidekick, is back on screen to protect the Earth. He and his team, which includes Starfire, Raven, Cyborg, and Beast Boy, live in the Titans Tower together. Aside from Robin, who only has a utility belt and a quick mind, each team member possesses unique skills to help fight a new iteration of villains. With these guys watching over Jump City, citizens can rest easy.