Mind-blowing Facts That Literally Nobody Has Heard Before

Watch Where You Step

Lobsters have taste sensors on their feet. They also pee out of their noses. Also, their teeth are in one of their three stomachs. Lobsters are really strange. 

Give It a Try

It is physically impossible to hum while holding your nose. Humming is the sound your vocal cords make when you run air through them without opening your mouth. If there is no outlet, there will be no sound. 


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The More You Know

  • Enzo Ferrari told a man "you may be able to drive a tractor but you will never be able to handle a Ferrari properly." The man was so angry that he vowed to create the perfect car. His name was Ferruccio Lamborghini.
  • Tic Tacs got their name from the sound they make.
  • There's an asteroid that's worth $95.8 trillion.
  • The first breakfast cereal had to be soaked overnight before it could be eaten.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.