"Joker" Was Based On This True Story of an Unhinged Man

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His "Joker"-inspiring performance came from a 1928 German flick titled The Man Who Laughs. In this, Conrad portrayed the role of Gwynplaine, a quirky (and scary) circus actor who falls for a blind woman. Though the movie was meant to be viewed as a romantic drama, some viewers saw it as a horror film due to Conrad's creepy character...

Gwynplaine's Grin

His smile made the character go from romantic love interest to eerie villain easily. Gwynplaine wears a wide, spooky smile throughout the film. This happened as a result of a childhood accident resulting in deformity. His grim grin wasn’t applauded back in 1928, but when applied to the right character, American pop culture knew he could be a star...


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The More You Know

  • The world's most toxic mineral is cinnabar.
  • Commercial flights were allowed to fly any course to their destination and would often detour over points of interest. This ended in 1956 when two planes crashed mid-flight over the Grand Canyon.
  • Glitter is so unique it can be used as forensic evidence if matching glitter is found at the crime scene and on the suspect since glitter often goes unnoticed by the suspect.
  • Humans specifically have eyes that face forward for the purpose of seeing in 3D.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.