Investigators Couldn't Figure Out How This Plane Crashed, Until They Checked Her Handbag

Liar, Liar

John swore that his mother was the one to pack her luggage, but the truth slowly started spilling out. His wife accidentally broke and revealed that John was the one who packed the bags. This meant that if there was an explosive on board, it was likely to have been John's doing. His time was finally up, and the FBI knew that they had the killer right where they wanted him...

Locked Away

At long last, John confessed to his evil deeds. He had put the dynamite in his mother's purse as a way to get her riches for himself. As a result, he was sentenced to receive the death penalty. Before his execution, John was quoted as having said: "As far as feeling remorse for these people, I don’t. I can’t help it. Everybody pays their way and takes their chances. That’s just the way it goes."


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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.