History's Most Dangerous Aircraft Models

The Fairey Albacore

British World War II pilots were so afraid to ride in the Albacore that they would take bets and whoever lost had to man the aircraft. It was shaky, unstable, and not very reliable in any sense of the word. Eventually, the British army decided to scrap the plane since it became such a problem.

The MiG-23

The Mikoyan-Gurevich-23 (better known as the MiG-23) was a Soviet jet that actually pioneered the "look-down/shoot-down" radar system. Russian pilots were not big fans of the plane and preferred the previous generation of the fighter jet. The cockpit was small and offered minimal visibility, which isn't very helpful for a fighter jet! The line met the graveyard after the Cold War. 


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The More You Know

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  • There's a shrimp-like creature that makes aluminum armor to protect itself.
  • You can buy a completely renovated and converted Boeing 727 jet that accommodates 23 people for less than the cost of a Ferrari.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.