History's Most Dangerous Aircraft Models

The Devil's Hoverbike

Inventors of the 50s really didn't care about how ridiculous their inventions looked. If it worked, it was a success! This aircraft (if you could even call it that) is an early hovercraft. Luckily, nothing bad happened with this invention, but if the pilot would have one misstep, he'd easily get chopped up by the blades! 

The Christmas Bullet

Dr. William Whitney Christmas designed this aircraft with the intention of killing the pilot. It was well-known that if this plane got up into the atmosphere, it would become lethal. Test flight pilot Cuthbert Mills perished as the wings of the aircraft caved in on itself. Super weird all around. 


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The More You Know

  • There are around 2,000 thunderstorms happening on Earth at all times.
  • Bill Gates plans to donate 95% of his $81.1 billion dollar wealth to charity. That's about $77 billion dollars!
  • Wasting food is illegal for supermarkets in France.
  • Tree seeds were taken into orbit and planted as "Moon Trees."
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.