Hidden Movie Secrets You Need to Hit Pause To Find

Some movie scenes require a second or third look before a viewer can fully understand what they're getting themselves into. Animators and directors love to sneak in some hilarious details when they make a movie, but only the biggest fans take the time to spot them all...

Toy Story

This is an easter egg only some hardcore film buffs would likely notice. In the movie Toy Story, Buzz Lightyear finds himself in the house of evil little boy Sid. Fans of horror and also Pixar might recognize the wallpaper as being similar to the carpet from the Overlook Hotel in The Shining

The Godfather

If you're at the Godfather's house, be wary if he offers you an orange. In this film franchise, oranges are a bad omen. Whenever you see one on screen, that means someone is about to die. It might be a big bowl like this or a glass of OJ but be warned of whatever is coming next...


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The More You Know

  • Samuel L. Jackson has a clause in his film contracts that allows him to play golf during film shoots whenever he wants.
  • Walt Disney hated Goofy.
  • Sean Connery wore a wig in every single one of his Bond performances.
  • Director Steven Spielberg made his first film for a merit badge
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.