Gym Owner Gives Equipment to Members for At-Home Workouts

Getting into a solid exercise routine is tough for so many, and with gyms closed due to the pandemic, many people's fitness habits have fallen by the wayside. 

One gym owner in Illinois decided that he wanted to help his members take care of themselves even though they were stuck at home. 

Drew Whitted, owner of Be Strong Gym in Bloomington, IL, went above and beyond to help out his members during this unprecedented time. 

Whitted loaned out over $40,000 of gym equipment to his members, free of charge, during the stay-at-home order. He said seeing fitness bring families together during this time has brought him much-needed joy.

“Now I see a whole family, getting through this shelter in place, getting through this tough time doing these workouts together, bonding together, becoming healthier and happier together as a family unit,” he told CNN.

Roughly 80 members took him up on the offer of borrowing equipment, and he's been holding online training sessions daily. 

Members have been very gracious and some even plan to still pay the gym owner while the gym is closed to help it stay afloat. 

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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.