Four Kids From Reno Place In Kindness Speech Competition

The Think Kindness Competition is meant to inspire others to engage in random acts of kindness, and of the top 20 nationwide finalists, four of them are from Reno, Nevada. Think Kindness founder Brian Williams said, "For everyone involved, whether they made it to the top 20 or not, we wanted for starters for them to go through the speech writing process and really dive into the content of kindness.” It was just happenstannce that four of the finalist represented the "Biggest Littlest City."

Williams said, “When we first put out the submissions we didn’t ask for city or state, and then when we got down to the top 20, I was shocked to see that four people that made the top 20 were right here from Reno, and I think it says something about the youth in our community.” 

Avery Clark, one of the four contestants, said, "Avery Clark said, “I just think that being kind can make a difference in someone’s life including yours.” Addison Guinan said, “Hopefully someone will watch my speech and then do more kindness.”

Madison Perotti and Kate Antone teamed up and wrote their speech together. Perotti said, “It feels really good because we know that we were heard that we could make a difference.” Antone added, “We sort of made our speech about that kindness needs to happen more in schools.”

The winner of the competition gets $500 to help any charitable organization of their choice. The winner has yet to be decided.

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Post originally appeared on Endeared.