DNA Test Reveals Stomach-Churning Secret About Woman's Boyfriend

The Waiting Game

Dan and Matilda both provided their saliva samples and mailed the kits the following day. Matilda was looking forward to her results, but Dan wasn't expecting anything out of the ordinary...

The Results Were In

About one month later, their results had been processed and were sent back. Matilda eagerly searched through her genetic relatives, since her mother was the only member of her immediate family to whom she was biologically related. That's when she noticed something strange.


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The More You Know

  • “Digging a hole to China” is theoretically possible if you start in Argentina.
  • Sixty percent of the World’s lakes (three million total) are located in Canada.
  • There's a word for tapping someone on the opposite shoulder from behind to fool them.
  • Hippos have the largest mouths of any animal on land.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.