Did You Know That These Celebrities Held On To Their Virginity Until Marriage?

Bethany Hamilton

Best known for surviving an infamous shark attack that cost her her arm, Bethany Hamilton has always been outspoken about abstinence. "I think growing up I was blessed to have parents that stayed together, and have that husband and wife image of I want—an awesome husband one day that will love and support me until I die,” she said. She is now a mother of two and still an inspiring surfer.

Kirk Cameron

The Growing Pains star actually grew up to marry his co-star, Chelsea Noble. They were 21 when they tied the knot, and due to his extreme Christian views, he now travels from church to church as a preacher. "Sex within marriage is the only kind that’s truly fun and exciting—the kind that lasts for a lifetime. I’m glad I waited," he said.


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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.