Crazy Trail Camera Photos That You Have to See to Believe

Dinner is Served

In the dead of the winter, this coyote was thrilled to find a good meal... so thrilled that he decided to just dig in right where he found it. It's messy, but hey, it's nature.

Enjoying the Outdoors

Not every animal is out for the kill, some just simply enjoy the little things in life, like a fresh field of flowers. Maybe he'll grab some to impress a future mate or maybe he'll just take it all in alone. Enjoy, pal!


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The More You Know

  • Thousands of people die every year because of doctors’ poor handwriting.
  • Your coffee mug probably has fecal matter on it.
  • A human head remains conscious for around 20 seconds after being decapitated
  • “Teratoma” or “monstrous tumors” are “evil twins” that can grow on your brain.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.