Ancient History Greece to Reclaim Ancient Horse From United States Greece is earning back a 2,700 year old bronze statuette of a horse that was illegally claimed by the U.S. READ MORE 6,000-Year-Old Arrowhead Found in British Columbia The Nesikep period arrowhead is believed to be the oldest archaeological find in the Williams Lake area. READ MORE Why Does Greco-Roman History Dominate the History Books? Some argue that the focus on the Greek and Roman empires has been blown out of proportion and leaves little room for the study of other civilizations. READ MORE Ancient Roman Historians Was Primarily Written By Wealthy and Powerful Men Historians commonly use the phrase "history is written by the winners," but they rarely mention that the individuals that really were behind the great successes of Roman history... READ MORE Ancient Civilizations Were Practicing Recycling Scientists have discovered that the circular economy has roots in the ancient world. READ MORE An Ancient Roman Mosaic Floor Was Just Unearthed in Italy Archaeologists have just discovered a mosaic that could easily date back to the third century under a tiny vineyard in Italy... READ MORE Evidently, the Iron Maiden Never Existed... Thanks to Matthew Peacock, what we formerly thought was the coolest medieval torture device actually never came to fruition... READ MORE The Story of the Great Sphinx of Giza The legend lives on to this day... READ MORE Could You Have Survived the Black Plague? Europe was ill-prepared for the plague that fell upon them in the mid-1300s. But, some quick thinking and lucky guesses prevented this disease from spreading to the entire population of the continent... READ MORE Latest Archaeological Finds Rewrite Australia's History Whatever happened to Australia's "megafauna"? READ MORE Coronavirus Panic-Buying Sheds Light On What Humans Used Before TP Toilet paper was one of the first products to sell out in nearly all stores when the COVID-19 crisis hit. What did people in ancient times use before its invention? READ MORE Gambling Has Been Around for a Lot Longer Than You Would Think From China to Greece, to a Casino near you, America's favorite way to pass the time didn't just start in your local gambling hall... READ MORE The Aztecs Invented a Better Sword That Got Lost in History Aztec warriors were some of the most fearsome of their time. Part of that was because of their highly advanced militaristic conventions, but the other part was all about weaponry... READ MORE Archaeology Clues Us In On How To Survive a Pandemic Finders University archaeologists are studying how humans have bounced back from previous pandemics in hopes of solving the COVID-19 crisis and its aftermath. READ MORE This Plague Caused People To Dance Nonstop Imagine dancing to the point of exhaustion... READ MORE Load More