Amateur Sleuth Identifies Golden State Killer—and Now He's Behind Bars

East Area Rapist

1976 was the year DeAngelo became the East Area Rapist, named so by a local paper. DeAngelo began to target women home alone, and then couples. He would force the woman to bind her male companion and then stack plates on his back, claiming he'd kill them both if the plates fell over. DeAngelo would take keepsakes, photos, as well as food and beer from their fridges. Sometimes, he called his victims afterward, relentlessly taunting them over the phone.

Making A Murderer

DeAngelo escalated to serial killer status, going on a spree across Southern California. A footprint tied him to a murder in the Santa Barbara area, but DeAngelo escaped detection. He left a trail of murders and assaults in his wake...


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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.